So I meant to post this on Friday. Then we had a water pipe bust and chaos ensued. Friday was Frozen Day at our school. It was originally planned for before Christmas Break; however, we ended up being closed due to sickness. These holiday party ideas are a little late for this year, but you can keep them in mind for next year.
All of the kiddos and staff wore pajamas and watched Frozen. Then we made these cute gingerbread houses from paper bags. It was the ending to our gingerbread man unit.
We spelled out sight words in shaving cream. This activity was a lot messier than I predicted. Most of the kids enjoyed it, but of course I had a couple that got the shaving cream EVERYWHERE!
We also played some Frozen games. The first picture is our snowball toss. Super easy! We just used Styrofoam cups and cotton balls.
This game was "Do you wanna build a snowman?". The kiddos worked in teams to wrap their snowman up in toilet paper as quickly as they could. I think I had just as much fun watching this one as they did playing.
Finally, we were able to enjoy a snack and watch the Curious George Christmas movie (they have been begging me for a month!) Overall, I think it was a fun day but it left this teacher pretty tired. I'm using this weekend to rest from that first week back.
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